Open family groups and child home care
Timetable for open family groups:
Mondays, 9 am–12 noon (open group for children aged 0–3 years)
Tuesdays, 9 am–12 noon (open group for children aged 0–3 years)
Thursdays, 9 am–12 noon (open group for children aged 0–3 years)
Mondays, 12.30–14.30 noon (open group for children aged 0-6 month)
Tuesdays, 12.30–14.30 noon (open group for children aged 6-11 month)
Further information:
Emmi Leppänen, +358 (0)40 645 9524, emmi.leppanen@kauniainen.fi
Open family groups
The open family groups are intended to serve as a meeting place for families with young children. It provides the parents with an opportunity to spend time with their children as well as other adults in the same situation.
Participating adults have the possibility to confidentially discuss matters related to their child’s care, development, upbringing or family situation.
The children and adults can interact during both the free play time and guided activities. Parents in the groups can work with the group leader to decide on the activity content and planning for future gatherings. Children can participate in the group activities with a parent, grandparent, caregiver or other adult.
Goals of open family work:
- Supporting parenthood
- Strengthening the interaction between adults and children
- Supporting family resources
- Strengthening the sense of community, “we spirit”
- Creating peer support
The open family groups meet at youth center located at Läntinen koulupolku 1 D. There are two parking spots for the customers of the Open family groups at the youth center parking area. These are located immediately to the left near the entrance, by the reserved signs. Additional parking spots are available along Läntinen koulupolku.
Participation in the group is free of charge and does not affect the amount of the family’s child home care allowance. No advance registration is necessary for participation in the family groups. Although the group insurance covers the children during the gathering, they are still the responsibility of their accompanying adult.
Open family groups
+358 (0)40 645 9524
Participate in the Open early childhood education’s Meeting place visitor survey
We hope that all clients of the open early childhood education in Kauniainen participate in the Meeting place visitor survey.
You can fill out the survey on paper at the open meeting place or electronically under the following address link.webropol.com/s/granikohtaamispaikka.
Short-term child care assistance

Child home care allowance from Kela
The child home care allowance can be applied for when caring for a child under the age of 3 years at home. The applying caregiver may be the child’s parent, a spouse or cohabiting partner of the parent or guardian, or a hired caregiver or other individual who cares for the child.
The child home care allowance can also be paid for other siblings who are under school age. The benefit will end, at the latest, when the family’s youngest child reaches the age of 3. Child home care allowance is not available for children who attend municipal early childhood education.
The child home care allowance includes:
- the care allowance, which is not affected by the family’s income
- the care supplement, which is affected by the total family income
- a municipal supplement.
The amount of the care allowance is not affected by the family’s income. The care allowance is paid separately for each child that is eligible. The amount of the care allowance is
- EUR 377, 68 per month for one child under 3 years of age
- EUR 113,07 per month per child for each additional child under 3 years of age
- EUR 72,66 per month per child for each additional child over 3 years of age but under school age.
The amount of the care supplement is affected by the size and gross income of the family. The maximum amount of the care supplement is EUR 202,12 per month. The supplement is only paid for one child.
The municipal supplement is paid is connection with the care allowance for the youngest child eligible for the home care allowance. The municipal supplement is granted based on the same conditions as for the statutory child home care allowance, which states that the child’s caregiver must be the parent, grandparent, other relation or adult other than the parent. One condition for the receipt of the support is that it is for a period of at least one month. The municipal supplement in Kauniainen is 1.8.2024
- EUR 160 per month for a child under 24 months of age
The municipal supplement is not payable for a child over 24 months of age.
The municipal supplement is paid as an increase to the care allowance from Kela. No separate application is necessary for the municipal supplement.
The municipal supplement is paid for adopted children using the same principles as for other children, but the time period that has elapsed since the adoption is used in place of the age limitations. The municipal supplement for adopted children is applied for directly from Kauniainen using a free-form application addressed to the Chief of Early Childhood Education for Kauniainen. A revised tax card and Kela’s decision regarding the child home care allowance must be submitted along with the application.
Further information: www.kela.fi/web/en/child-home-care-allowance