Petaksentien turvallisuus ja liikennejärjestelyt (kuntalaisaloite)
Jätetty: 14.1.2023
Diaarinumero: 73/
Valmistelija: Anna Ahtila, projekti-insinööri
Tila: Projekti-insinöörin vastaus 23.1.2023 (pdf) (englanniksi)
Päivitetty: 23.1.2023
Petaksentie often feels like the ”forgotten street of Kaunianen”. The street itself not only serves the residents but also a high number of local citizens from Kauniainen and the surrounding communities. This petition seeks to put forward options to improve safety and traffic management on the street.
1) Add a sidewalk to the north side of the street – separating foot and recreational users from road traffic
2) Add covered rain (storm) water drains to both sides of the road – this seems to have been done across Kauniainen but not here?
3) General road condition improvements: full surface renovation, proper curbstones (nuisance parking is a safety and traffic management issue – especially when there are bigger events at the ski slope area), width adjustments etc.
Petaksentie has proportionally a high volume of traffic for its size as well as many members of the public on foot making use of the street to: go about their daily business, enjoy recreational activities at the ski-slope & football hall as well as numerous sports teams using the street for warm-up and other practices. There is a relatively high potential for a safety incident given the current situation.
Residents on the street have often had to cope with nuisance traffic and noise from works traffic and equipment parked at the ski slop for local improvements which had zero benefit to us: installation of fibre cables across Kauniainen – not in Petaksentie, local road improvements and drainages – not in Petaksentie etc.
I truly hope that this petition would be considered and that the taxpayers on Petaksentie would see safety and quality of life improvements on our road.