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23.9.2024 | Välfärd

Have you noticed anyone supplying intoxicating substances to minors in your neighbourhood over the past 12 months?

Over the past 12 months, have you been scared of intoxicated people in the street or in another public place in your municipality of residence?

In the Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County survey, we ask for your thoughts and views on the use of intoxicating substances in your municipality of residence. The questions are related to nicotine products, gambling, and drugs. We also ask you to tell us about your observations on how minors use intoxicating substances. We encourage all over 13-year-olds to share their views.

The survey results will be used in substance abuse prevention in the Western Uusimaa area. Now is a good time to tell us how intoxicating substances appear in your neighbourhood.

The survey is open from 23 September to 13 October 2024. The survey is anonymous and confidential, and it can be completed in Finnish, Swedish or English. We will raffle off four S Group gift cards (EUR 40 each) among all respondents.

The results will be published on the websites of the Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County and its municipalities in November 2024.

Links to the surveys can be found below: