Seasonal influenza vaccinations for clients of the child health clinic
At the child health clinic, vaccinations are given to children under school age. The children’s parents will be vaccinated by, for instance, their employment health service. The Kauniainen health centre will provide vaccinations for people in risk groups. In addition to the vaccination dates below, seasonal influenza vaccinations are also offered to clients of the child health clinic during routine appointments at the clinic.
- Seasonal influenza vaccinations are given to clients of the child health clinic on Monday 8.11 at 14–18 and Wednesday 8.12 at 14–18.
- Book an appointment online at or by phoning your nurse at the child health clinic, Mon–Fri at 12.00–13.00, telephone 09 8789 1341, or 09 8789 1342 or 09 8789 1343.
- Please book a separate appointment in the name of each person to be vaccinated (for example, if you have three children who need the vaccination, you need to book three appointments).
- Bring each child’s KELA card (Finnish health insurance card) to the clinic.
- Vaccinations are given at Villa Junghans, Leankuja 4.
- Parents must wear masks indoors in Villa Junghans.
- Please take off your child’s outdoor clothing before the appointment to save time.
Do not come for the vaccination if you have symptoms of an infectious disease.