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30.9.2024 | Nya Paviljongen

October is here, bringing with it Kauniaisten musiikkijuhlat, a Fairtrade coffee moment at the city hall, and many other interesting events. If you want to learn how to use a 3D printer, you can visit DigiLab’s open doors. On October 3rd, we will be offering Fairtrade coffee and tea, chocolate, and bananas at the city hall. Additionally, this year marks the 20th anniversary of the first reading drama at Vallmogård, and it will be celebrated with a bilingual play. The autumn flea markets continue, with the next one taking place on October 31st. You can find all this and much more here and in the city’s event calendar!

DigiLab Open Doors 1.10, DigiLab

Open doors at DigiLab 1.10 from 2 pm to 5pm. How do you program Legos to move? How can you design and print a 3D decoration? How can you give a new life to an old t-shirt with your own design and a garment press? Come to DigiLab and find out!


Reilun kaupan kahvihetki 3.10, Kaupungintalo

reilun kaupan kaupunki 5v tilaisuus vaaka

Lukudramaa Vallmogårdissa – Ahlfors & Siikala 7.10, Vallmogård

Bengt Ahlfors och Ritva Siikala

Asukasilta: Kaupungintalon alueen asemakaavaehdotus 7.10, Villa Junghans

Flea Market at City Hall 31.10, city hall

The City Hall Flea Markets are back, and this time all of the Autumn flee markets are without a theme! What does this mean? You can buy and sell all sorts of fun items, such as old, well-maintained clothes, toys, books, music records, and other treasures.

Tribute to nature 21.9-18.10, the Gallery

The watercolors explore the wave-swept sea and wind-beaten trees, but also the almost spiritual moments when the wind has calmed, the morning mist envelops the meadows and forests, or the last rays of the sun filter through clouds and treetops.

Kauniaisten musiikkijuhlat

Music for Peace 19.10, Kauniaisten kirkko.

Maukka & Väykkä 26.10, Uusi Paviljonki.

Christel Lee & Jonathan Roozeman 26.10, Uusi Paviljonki.

Iris Candelaria & Juho Lepistö 27.10, Uusi Paviljonki.

Other events

Sana Soi: Pekka Simojoki 1.10, Suomen Raamattuopisto.
Mitä vielä? -ryhmä viime vuosina eläköityneille ja pian eläköityville 3.10, Suomen Raamattuopisto.
FABS 20v-Juhlakonsertti 12.10, Uusi Paviljonki.
Syyslomakurssi koululaisille 14-18.10, Kauniaisten kuvataidekoulu.
Heikki Vilja & Mikko Vaismaa – Tupla V 17.10, Uusi Paviljonki.
Hyvän äärellä -naistenpäivät 25.10, Suomen Raamattuopisto.
Tussimaalauskurssi aikuisille 26-27.10, Kauniaisten kuvataidekoulu.