Windows to the Soul – Instagram guided online tour

Guided tour online for the exhibition Windows to the Soul on Instagram
Follow along from the comfort of your own sofa when the artists Ingrid Biese and Nyata Shapovalova tells you about themselves as an artist and their artwork.
You may ask questions in Swedish, English or Finnish in the guided online tour. The tour is in English. It is possible to watch the guided tour afterwards for two weeks.
Windows to the Soul
Eyes are the windows to the soul and windows are the eyes of the house. They let light into our lives and reflect back to us what they see.
While we use different mediums – Nyata works with wool and Ingrid paints on silk – we realized that we have a lot in common regarding how we think about our art. We want it to be fluid and light, reflective and inviting, without revealing too much. For Nyata the tactile aspect of her art is important as she creates soft, warm, three-dimensional pieces that can be experienced also for those who cannot see with their eyes. By exploring the windows and doors of the beloved old houses of her childhood, Ingrid opens up for new possibilities, dimensions and forms of expression in her own art and journey, and invites others to do so too.
Peering into a person’s eyes, we try to see their soul, and also see the reflection of our own. What’s hiding in the depths of the eyes? Fear? Love? Condemnation? Or is all this just our own reflection? Looking through the windows of houses, we can see a piece of someone’s life, guess what this house contains? Who are these people whose lives pass within these walls? The eyes of people and the eyes of houses can tell so much.
What: Online guided tour for the exhibition Windows to the Soul
When: Thursday 18.1.2024 at 3:30 PM to 3:50 PM
Where: Instagram @Kauniainengrani
How much: Free
Organizer: Cultural services of Kauniainen with the artists Ingrid Biese and Nyata Shapovalova
The Gallery is free to visit for everyone, open for every age and is accessible for wheelchair users.
The Cultural services of Kauniainen are responsible of the Gallery.
Event cost
Free entry
Age limit
No age limit