Mother, Can You Hear Me

Mother, can you hear me
Did I ever thank you
For nine months you carried me
Kept me safe and gave me life
— Kuuletko äitini mua – Viitasen Piia
A mother is something we all know. We all have or have had a mother.
No matter who you are, we welcome you to spend a little time with us and this theme that touches us all. Let the music and texts lead you to different memories and emotions.
Hear the emotion. Grex Musicus, founded in 1991 in Helsinki, tells a story through music. The choir conveys emotion that carries beyond the bond between the choir and their conductor. In January 2023 Grex Musicus got a new conductor and AD as Kirsi Tunkkari (MMus, BA in music pedagogy) started in the position. The collaboration’s success became evident in June 2023, as Grex and Kirsi took part in Tampere Vocal Music Festival’s Chorus Review. Grex was awarded three gold stamps and Kirsi was awarded a Conductor prize.
Read more about the choir here.
Follow the event on Facebook.
The event is part of the Open Call for collaborative events at the Uusi Paviljonki – Nya Paviljongen in spring 2024.
What: The choir Grex Musicus with their concert Mother, can you hear me
When: Sunday 5.5.2024 from 17.00-18.15 and another concert 14.00-15.15. The duration of the concert is approximately 1h 15min.
Where: Uusi Paviljonki, Läntinen koulupolku 3, 02700 Kauniainen
How much: Tickets are available in advance here.
25€ – Regular ticket
15€ – Reduced ticket: pensioners, students, unemployed, conscripts, children under 18 years that need their own chair
45€ – Supporting ticket
Kaikucard: book your ticket in advance by sending email to
We recommend that you visit the Uusi Paviljonki by public transport. There are only a few parking spaces near the Uusi Paviljonki, if you come by car you can leave it at the railway station’s parking lot. Outside the Uusi Paviljonki, there are parking spaces for people with reduced mobility. It is allowed to drop off people outside the Uusi Paviljonki.
The Uusi Paviljonki is accessible, you can reach the first and last rows of the concert hall without obstacles. There is an elevator to get to the first row.
Event cost
25€ Regular ticket / 15€ Reduced ticket / 45€ Supporting ticket / 0€ Kaikucard
Age limit
No age limit