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Easy Classics Played by a Quartet

Easy classics played by a quartet

Quartet from the orchestra of Kauniainen performs easy classic’s bringing joy to residents and amenity users of Villa Breda.

Päivi Kärkäs – oboe
Jari Koskinen – violin
Tarja Koskinen – viola
Sakari Kuusi – cello 

What: Concert performed by a quartet from Kauniaisten orchestra
Where: Villa Breda, event square Kukkapuro, Bredantie 16, 02700 Kauniainen
When: 7.2.2024 at 12.30-13.15
For whom: The residents and amenity users of Villa Breda
Cost: Free
Organizers: Cultural management student group together with the city of Kauniaisten and the orchestra of Kauniainen

Event cost

Free entry

Age limit

No age limit