
On the internet: www.opistopalvelut.fi/kauniainen 

and by phone 050 411 6404 at office hours.

Course fees and cancelling

Enrolment is binding and demands payment of the course fee. We do not return course fees.
The bill is at its earliest sent after the first class, except for short courses.

The course can also be paid with ePassi- or Smartum-saldo when signing up on the internet. Invoices are sent after fist class and then it is not possible to pay for that course with ePassi or Smartum-saldo. Smartum-mobile payment can be used in the office.


has to be done through the office tel. 050 411 6404 (not by messages left in the answering machine) or through e-mail, mikaela.heinonen@kauniainen.fi, not to the teacher.

Cancelling has to be done no later than seven days before the course begins
. After that, we will charge the full course fee.


The unemployed, practical nurses, disability pensioners and refugees receive a 50% discount by showing proof of unemployment no later than than the same day the course begins. After that, you cannot receive the discount. Unemployment must be proven at the beginning of every term.

Students or pupils studying in Kauniainen receive a 50% discount if the course is included in their formal studies.

All course in Finnish and Swedish are free if the course is included in the student´s integration plan.

Discount is not granted for one-off payments, courses at cost price (M/U) and courses in cooking.

Discount is not granted for cost price courses (M/U), or cooking courses.

With a Kaiku card, you can participate in normal courses for free, not M/U or cooking courses. The Kaiku card is meant for people who due to their tight economic situation otherwise cannot participate in the courses. The city’s social services, youth services and Grani Lähiapu hand out cards to their customers under their own discretion. Students who have a Kaiku card have to show it in our office before the course begins. More info from the social services bureau, by phone: 050 411 4918. With a Kaiku card you can pay for max. 5 courses / season.


Students are not insured by the adult education centre.

The course can be cancelled one time without substitution for the classes (not short courses). 

The length of the lesson 

is 45 minutes

The number of students in the group

The number of students in a group has to be at least eight.

In self-cost priced courses, the minimum number can be greater.